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photo: Marko Schacher
photo: Michael


The temporary intervention passive park we realise under the
Paulinen-Bridge, where a filling station with a highly frequented
shop is opposite to a car park.
This periphery in the centre is occupied by those who have found
their place, i.e. parking space, at the edge of the consumer society.

Before this spot also falls victim to an inability to tolerate the few
remaining impudent spaces in the city landscape, we invite to a
garage party.

On one of the parking places we install an ale-bench. A motor,
driven by a power stand-by unit sets the benches going and moves
them back and forth. Canned beer is bought at the filling station.
In the noise of the generator the automatically swaying ale-bench
keeps the audience in motion and is reminiscent to the singularities
of organized cheerfulness.

passive park

Paulinenbrücke Stuttgart 2007

On invitation of
Kunstverein Gästezimmer e.V.