
The topic of this work is the collision of parallel worlds demonstrated with the notion of "dooring": the misfortune of an opening car door in the way of cyclists.

A formal bracket between the two galleries of the Kunstverein is constituted by the allusion of a street crossing both rooms.

A tableau vivant at the opening shows different phases of the unfortunate collision at the same time. Amongst metal cubes whose measurements correspond with the details in log books of real cars, a memorial for those having been "doored" rises up the wall. From there a loudspeaker transports our song "doored in downtown".

With the sentence "cars impede the traffic", which is almost hidden by the metal boxes, we quote the civilization critic Ivan Illich. He concludes that the transport of people - considering all following costs as accidents, environmental pollution etc. - asks for too high a price if it allows at any point of the system higher velocities than can be achieved with the bicycle.

* "Pharadnoia" is an artificial word, evoking in its German pronunciation associations between the notions "Fahrrad" (Fahrrad = German for bicycle) and "Paranoia"

press release

the bell of a bicycle rings;
a voice produces bass sounds, amplified


car-sized boxes from sheet-zinc
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Doored In Downtown
to the
melody of "Mendocino"

On a late September morning
A young man on his bike
Rode down to the city

He pedalled his way
On that sunny day
Burning fat instead of oil and petrol

A suv´s
Driver tried to get out of his car

The cyclist was shocked
His way was blocked
He pulled the brakes as hard as he could do

Doored in downtown
Doored in downtown
A friend of us has been
Doored in downtown

When he on his bike
Was hit by the strike
Of a car door in his way
Through downtown

He crashed into
The door and flew
While clinging to his handlebars in panic

Onto the ground
He fell and was found
With broken bones and broken motivation

download song in mp3 (2,4 MB)